Google Adesense Bahasa Indonesia
Google Adesense Bahasa Indonesia
Ini berita gembira bagi Publisher Adsense di Indonesia. Mungkin sudah menjadi impian bagi semua kalangan untuk bisa mecari Rizki dengan Halal dan mudah. Salah satunya adalah menjalankan bisnin Online. Terutama Google Adsense merupakan bisnis Online yang paling banyak diminati. Tapi bagi orang Indonesia menjadi Publisher Adsense sangat sulit karena kita harus memiliki Web atau Blog yang menggunakan bahasa Asing (Inggris, dan bahasa asing lain yang mendukung ditetapkan GOOGLE.
Begitu juga dengan apa yang saya alami.
tapi semu itu sekarang tidak akan terjadi lagi. Karena Adsense sudah mendukung Bahasa Indonesia yang saya ketahui dari AdSense Newsletter yang dikirim lewat email pada tanggal 17 Februari 2012
yang berbunyi
Dear publisher,
We�d like to thank you for your participation throughout 2011 and we�re looking forward to continuing a successful partnership with you in 2012. To help you boost your revenue early in the year, our first �Tip of the Month� focuses on one of quickest but most efficient optimisation tips: Improving your ad styles. You�ll also find information on:
- AdSense in Indonesian
We are happy to announce that we launched AdSense for Indonesian content on February 1st. If you have a website or a mobile optimised site in Bahasa Indonesia, youll now be able to earn money by showing Google AdSense ads. Simply implement AdSense on your site in Bahasa Indonesia to start displaying contextually targeted ads.
- Publisher satisfaction and acting on your feedback
- Updating your contact details
- Using Custom Search Ads for Mobile
- Knowing the top five policy resources
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AdSense now speaks Indonesian
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 | 8:00:00 AM
Labels: AdSense features , International
We�re glad to announce that Indonesian has just joined the family of AdSense supported languages. Let�s celebrate by raising our hands in a kecak dance, watching a wayang kulit show or cooking traditional Indonesian recipes.
If you have a website in Bahasa Indonesia, youll now be able to earn money by showing Google AdSense ads. To get started, sign up for an AdSense account. Well review your application and in the meantime, we recommend you get familiar with the basics of AdSense and our policies.
If you already have an AdSense account, simply implement AdSense on your site in Bahasa Indonesia to start displaying contextually targeted ads.
You can now also implement AdSense for Mobile content on your mobile sites in Bahasa Indonesia. Check out our Help Center to learn how to implement AdSense on a mobile site.
Selamat datang di program AdSense!
Posted by Emanuele Brandi, Product Sales Lead
Semoga Sukses Buat Anda
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